in person: upcoming
Once More Unto the Breach: Yang’s “Animalism and Remnant-Persons”
American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division
Savannah, GA
Once More Unto the Breach: Yang’s “Animalism and Remnant-Persons”
American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division
Savannah, GA
The Lives 'of' Human Organisms
Johns Hopkins University
Department of Philosophy
Baltimore, MD
(cancelled due to illness)
Kutztown University
Department of Philosophy
Kutztown, PA
International Association for the Philosophy of Death and Dying
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
Of Retirement, Ontological and Otherwise
At the Speed of Thought: A Conference in Celebration of Paul Snowdon
University College London
London, UK
Immortality Project: Capstone Conference
Templeton Foundation
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA
The Dying Animal
Philosophy and Theology of Immortality
University of Hull
Hull, UK
Unresting Death
Time Bias and Future Planning Workshop
Vancouver, Canada
The Dying Animal
Mississippi State University
Department of Philosophy
Starkville, MS
32nd Spindel Conference
The Lives of Human Animals
University of Memphis
Department of Philosophy
Memphis, TN
(Conference Director)
Liberty Fund
Liberty, Nature, and the Question of Human Dignity
La Jolla, CA
Thinkers, Brains, and Animals
Persons and their Brains
University of Oxford
Ian Ramsey Center for Science and Religion
Oxford, UK
Thinking Animals: Differences that Make a Difference and the Difference They Make
University of Memphis
Institute for Intelligent Systems
Memphis, TN
Mortal Harm Across the Human/Nonhuman Divide
Minding Animals
Utretcht University
Utrechts, Netherlands
(unable to attend)
Unresting Death and its Distinctive Harm
Death: Its Meaning, Metaphysics & Morality
Newcastle University
Newcastle, UK
A New Argument for Animalism
Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association
University of Sussex
Brighton, UK
The Dying Animal
Wesleyan University
Animals & Society Institute
Middletown, CT
An Ideal Predicament: Children and Moral Agency
with Michael Burroughs, on behalf of Deborah Tollefsen
Philosophical Collaborations
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL
A Plea for Bioethics
University of Memphis
Department of Biology
Memphis, TN
Another Argument for Animalism
Northwest Philosophy Conference: The Self
Willamette University
Willamette, OR
Other Minds: Why All the Fuss?
University of Memphis
Institute for Intelligent Systems
Memphis, TN
An Evolutionary Argument for Animalism
University of Mississippi
Department of Philosophy
Oxford, MS
Death, Priorism, and Deprivation Harm
American Philosophical Association, Central Division
Chicago, IL
Death's Harm
Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology
Savannah, GA